Monday, December 25, 2006

Reduce Stress - Write away your worries

Writing freely is also an effective way to get rid of negative thoughts and worries. It works as follows:
a. Whenever you feel too worried, simply go to your computer or pick up a pen and a notebook and start writing whatever comes to your mind. If you are worried about a problem, write about it. If you are confused, write so. If you suddenly remember a conversation from the previous day, write that. In short, write anything that comes to your mind.
b. Don't stop to think. Flow with your thoughts. Do not worry about spellings, grammar, etc. Just write!
c. Write without a break for about 15 minutes (or longer, if you feel like).

As you outpour yourself, you will start to feel lighter and even empowered. If you try out the above techniques, you will discover an oasis of peace and harmony. Ultimately, you will feel more powerful, determined and hopeful in the face of all the challenges that you are facing.

Reduce Job Stress - Meditation

Meditation is one of the most effective and easy-to-learn techniques to calm down the mind and feel relaxed. Originally attributed to Eastern tradition, the benefits of mediation are now scientifically proven. More and more people all over the world, from schools to hospitals to government offices to law firms, are embracing mediation to avoid worries and stress. The best thing about meditation is that it doesn't require a shift in beliefs, affiliation to any organization or equipment. You can get started now! Here is how you can start with the simplest type of meditation:
a. Sit in a quiet place. Be comfortable whether you sit on a chair or on the floor.
b. Close your eyes.
c. Slowly start taking deep breaths and focus your attention on your breathing.
d. If your attention wanders off here and there, that's okay. Gently bring it back to the breathing.
e. Keep yourself in the above mode for about 20 minutes.
Do it twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening. You may find meditation an immensely rewarding experience.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Confidence - Frame The Concept

Changing the meaning of what we associate to any situation can dramatically change the results we get. Fashioning new associations into habits helps to set the foundation for a spontaneous confidence-a confidence that develops unconsciously as we continue to implement our tactics, until one day it is part of us. One example from the personal archives of my past was an episode in High School where I was, in the eyes of my peers, a nerd. And the first female I ever asked on a date, laughed at me. Needless to say, I was devastated, rejection was synonymous with humiliation and any trace of confidence was crushed by this unforgettable mental image of laughter. A few years later however, I realized that the lack of confidence I had about women was not a healthy one, and it would rob me of future romance and connection that I believed would enrich my life. So I decided to change.

Firstly I asked myself what rejection really meant in this case. I decided it signified that if I was rejected, the relationship was never meant to be. And if it wasn’t meant to be, I would be saving time and money by circumventing an unnecessary date.

Second, I thought about what success was in this instance, and decided that it was not in getting the date (that became a benefit of the process), but in assertively and confidently asking for the date. Soon, every time I was rejected, I was empowered with my success in asking, and in saving time and money. In each case I gained more confidence, and as time went on, I was rejected less and less (roughly guessing, from about 4% success to over 59% success). I had overcome my obstacle by repositioning the meanings of what I was taught by society, and the actions that offered me this empowerment and confidence quickly became second nature. I couldn’t lose.

Will Confidence - Ask The Right Questions

When we evaluate any situation, we will ask ourselves a question. The feelings we create, and the actions we take (or don’t) are determined by the answers we come up with. The more control we exercise over these questions we ask, the more control we have over our state, and thus our potential. Why is this true? Because our brain will focus on where we direct it. For example evaluating an interview or presentation, we might ask, “Why do I get nervous?” or “Why can’t I consolidate my thoughts properly?” In this case, our brain in all its grandeur will find all the reasons you get nervous or can’t consolidate your thoughts, even if there are no legitimate reasons, our brain is so magnificent it will make something up. This can be quite disempowering, alternatively, if we purposefully direct our questions to empower, we will find ourselves asking, “Why was I so confident when I …” or “How can I organize my thinking to better communicate?” and our brain will once again give us the answers.
Fellow speaker and finance expert Maznah Hamid gave me an example of how he developed the confidence to speak in front of large audiences. He stated, “The first workshop I delivered, I did not perform up to my expectations. Yet instead of asking myself, “Why did you mess up?” or “Why don’t you just quit?” I asked myself, “What should I improve on? How can I perform even better?” By asking the right questions, my subconscious delivered some healthy, constructive advice, and I have used this technique ever since. The power of questions has definitely been one of the most important tools in gaining confidence and realizing my success.” Maznah is now one of the most sought after speakers on the subject of how to deliver impactful financial presentations.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

How do we get confidence

So how do we get confidence in the areas that we may be lacking?
The Body
The first and most important technique is the use of our body. Everything that comes into our mind gets filtered through our body. Notice how we breathe when we are happy, where our shoulders are when we feel powerful, and how relaxed our muscles are when we are depressed. Each is distinctive to its own emotional state. For example, if we are happy, our breathing is usually fast and deep; yet if we are depressed, it’s usually slow and shallow. These are human recipes called "Condition Formulas" and every emotional state has its own. Consider the last time you felt confident, how were you breathing, was your body tense or relaxed, was your head up or down, where were your eyes, were your movements fast or slow, were you standing or sitting? The answers to these questions depict your physical Condition Formula for confidence. So the first step toward confidence is the implementation of this formula.
A study was done at Malaya University with patients suffering from manic-depression. When the patients were winding down from their manic state, in place of drugs (the usual treatment for this condition to balance emotions), they were asked to simply smile consistently. The results were astonishing. Nearly 80% overcame the depressive state without drugs and were able to maintain emotional stability. And all they did was smile. The study proved the direct correlation between the body and the way we feel. So the first step, remember your Condition Formula for confidence, and implement all the elements of the formula (i.e. breath, posture, movement, etc.) into your current body state.
Our brain can only truly concentrate on one thing at any given time, we cannot read this article and watch the news at the same time. So as you continue to read, you process the information according to your own experience and values; then, YOU determine whether the information is true or false, good or bad, implementable or not. We do this with every occurrence, every situation and every action. Like a diamond, every circumstance has many sides, some are shiny, some are brilliant, some are dull some are flawed, and when we look at one, that’s all we see. We often see situations that cross our paths, from the perspective of the dull or flawed and hence destructive sides and thus fail to see the brilliant or shiny constructive sides. But it is a choice, and we must make a conscious effort to decide which side to look at.
A haunting testament to this summons the memory of the first time I gave a presentation. It was in front of a group of attorneys. Before the speech I kept reflecting on how much more experience these individuals had than I did, and thinking to myself “What can I tell these people that they already don’t know?”, I was focusing on the fact that they were older than I was and how their age equated to knowledge. I failed miserably at delivering the information I was to present. Why? Not because of a lack of knowledge, not because of lack of preparation, but because I focused on all the reasons needed to consume my confidence - reasons that translated to loss of ideas, stuttering, and just plain poor delivery. In retrospect, if I had thought about the reality of the situation in the first place, my confidence level as well as the outcome of the presentation would have been drastically improved. They were attending the presentation because they believed they could learn from me, and the fact was, that I was speaking on a specialized topic that the average lawyer was only generally familiar with. I had more experience on this topic than any of the people in the room regardless of age. But at the time, it was easier to focus on the why not, giving me an excuse to fail. I set myself up and I did a disservice to the people that came to see me. It would have only taken a few moments to ponder the other side, to focus on the reasons why I was qualified, why I could speak well, and why I had a great deal to offer my audience. Confidence in any situation is a product of our body and then our focus. Both require a conscious decision to alter, and both make a huge difference in the outcome of our efforts. The next two steps are the tools to establish confidence as a basic element in our subconscious. To program oneself for a spontaneous confidence that just happens in any required situation. Learn what these tools are and how to use them in

Confidence: Foundation for Success

I once interviewed a gentleman from the most prestigious school in Malaysia (IPTA/IPTS) for a any position. While his credentials were flawless, his answers were credible and his appearance was professional, he lacked something. He lacked the ability to convince me he was capable. After 3 interviews, I gave the job to an individual with fewer credentials than this seemly-accomplished candidate.
The former’s downfall was as follows:
· First, body language - the hunched over posture and hands between his knees, the facial innuendos when he answered the proposed questions and the way he seldom looked at me when speaking. The conflicting messages between what came from his mouth, and what his body showed were clearly beyond any cultural difference.
· Second, the tone of his voice - the drawn-out pauses and the yielding softness of uncertainty, the lack of conviction or passion for his accomplishments or his future, and the deficit of assertiveness in his pitch. The signs all pointed in one direction. All his credentials and fancy clothes could not make up for the most fundamental quality a senior employee must have - confidence.
How can anyone have confidence in a person who does not have confidence in himself? Think About this question.

Friday, December 15, 2006

What is the S-Factor?

• Goal-setting: Success does not come merely by wishful thinking. We have to determine our goals and put them down in writing to help us spearhead our time and energy in achieving what we want out of life. In this way, we will able to wake up every morning with a sense of purpose and hence, cultivate a continual working attitude towards the realisation of that goal. The goal must be measurable to enable us to check on the progress from time to time. Such assessment is important in enabling us to set higher goals later.

• Unlock your potential: Nowadays, educational programmes for children - which explore the early development of a child - have revolutionised immensely in much sophisticated ways. It is quite obvious that children are getting smarter compared to our earlier generations. Perhaps all this while, human beings have not tapped into their full potential. In fact, only about 10 per cent of our potential is used in our daily lives. Quoting Ed Engstrom, success is tapping into the available potential that we have and making the best use of it. Imagine the greatness that we can achieve if we are able to explore and discover our full potential.

• How do you unlock your potential?
o Search inside your heart and do an inventory list of your likes and dislikes, skills, talents, wishes and even your idiosyncrasies. This information will help you narrow down your preferred job scopes. Look for a mentor in the field that you wish to work in and learn about the secrets to becoming like that person. Spending time with your mentor will challenge you to work harder and smarter in order to tap into your hidden potential.

o Be willing to learn and work hard to achieve your goals. A lot of times, we have to go extra miles to perfect a task. Success stories do not happen overnight and in order to reach your full potential, you must be ready to give up all that we are to receive what we can become.
o Face challenges at work as an opportunity for development of character, for example, perseverance. “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

o Make your plan: Now, you can chart your course and make plans to achieve your goals. Setting timelines would help you to ensure that you do not deviate from meeting your goals and cause unnecessary delays.

o Commitment to stick it out: When you are faced with a problem and you find that you are not getting anywhere or making any progress, reassess your goals or plans. Consult your mentor or your reliable contacts for wisdom or advice. Successful people are not quitters. It’s not a matter of losing face but if you are passionate about your work, it means that you will have the will power and determination to stand firm on your commitment because you want it to work badly.

How do you define success?

From the common viewpoint, a person who is successful is one who has the power to afford all the luxuries in life or the power to rule and command without breaking the laws in acquiring whatever one demands in life. He may be the richest man in the world. It is not uncommon for people to associate one’s education, credentials, intelligence and good look as factors to define ‘success’.

On the other hand, I like the other version of the definition of success. It is more than the accumulation of wealth for oneself but putting your effort into an arena of action that inspires you and working towards your personal calling. If you have read the real life stories of successful people on earth, for example, Bill Gates, you will find that there’s a golden thread that join them together in the same league, and that is, the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and find a way to offer it to others as a form of service. It takes a lot of hard work too but I guess if you work on your passion, everything will fall into place and your work will be a joy. Of course, the fame and fortune that you acquire along the way would be nice too.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Tips Mencari Kerja

1.Ketahui jenis kerja yang ditawarkan di pasaran.
2. Mempunyai sikap yang positif.
3. Pastikan jenis pekerjaan yang diminati.
4. Buat perancangan untuk mencari kerja.
5. Kumpul dan susun mklumat mengenai diri sendiri.

Dimana mencari kerja?
1.Iklan di akhbar utama.
2.Jabatan Tenaga Kerja.
3.Rakan dan saudara-mara.
5.Agensi pekerjaan.
6.Iklan di radio dan televisyen.
7.Iklan sendiri seperti papan notis 7-eleven.
8.Papan kenyataan.

Bagaimana memohon?
Menulis surat permohonan- biasanya melalui surat permohonan dan biodata lengkap.

Cara menyediakan surat permohonan
Tidak ramai yang tahu menyediakan surat permohonan kerjaya yang betul. Cara yang professional menyediakan surat permohonan kerjaya tidak hanya menyediakan biodata lengkap. Surat permohonan hendaklah:
1.Tepat dan ringkas.
2.Menggunakan kertas putih kosong saiz A4.
3.Menyatakan kemahiran yang dimilki.
4.Menyatakan sebab anda calon yang sesuai.
5.Menjelaskan kenapa anda yakin jawatan itu sesuai untuk anda.
6.Akhiri surat dengan “ Yang Benar”

Lampirkan juga biodata diri dengan semua maklumat ini:
1.Nama, alamat, no. telefon, tarikh lahir dan no. kad pengenalan.
Maklumat pendidikan, kelulusan, bidang pengajian dan universiti/kolej/sekolah terakhir.
2.Maklumat pekerjaan, pengalaman kerja atau latihan kerjaya.
3.Kemahiaran: beri keterangan lanjut mengenai kemahiran anda.
4.Sumber rujukan: berikan maklumat pihak yang boleh dirujuk untuk mengesahkan maklumat anda. Ingat “ anda menjual diri untuk dibeli” . Tunjukkan kebolehan anda.
Maklumat lanjut sila rujuk artikel cover letter dan resume. Semoga Berjaya

Habis Belajar – Nak Buat Apa?

Pasti masalah memilih kerjaya menjadi topic penting buat pelajar sebaik sahaja menamatkan pengajiannya di IPTA/IPTS. Bukan sahaja keliru bidang kerjaya yang sesuai dengan kelulusan dan kemahiran malah ada yang tak tau kerjaya apa yang sesuai untuk diceburi.

Masalah ini sering dihadapi mereka yang kurang maklumat mengenai kerjaya, sekaligus bakal mengundang masalah bila me,ohon kerjaya kelak. Satu perkara yang harus dipastikan ialah merancang kerjaya sesuai sebelum mengambil keputusan lanjut memilih kerjaya yang paling sesuai.

Dibawah ini disenarikan beberapa panduan terbaik buat mereka yang tercari-cari ruang dan pilihan membuat keputusan memilih kerjaya.

1.Mengenali diri sendiri
- mengetahui personaliti.
- mengetahiu kebolehan.
- mengetahui minat serta kemampuan.

2.Mengetahui pekerjaan yang wujud
Ketika ini , dianggarkan wujud lebih 2,000 jenis pekerjaan yang ditawarkan kepada orang ramai mengikut pencapaian akademik dan pengalaman yang sesuai dalam sesuatu bidang. Ia dibahagikan kepada 2 kumpulan :
Perkhidmatan social – membantu orang lain yang mempunyai masalah.
Perkhidmatan am – memujuk , mengurus dan menunjuk ajar yang bertindak mempengaruhi orang ramai.

3. Dapatkan khidmat nasihat sebelum buat keputusan
Guru bimbingan kerjaya di sekolah atau institusi pengajian tinggi.
Pegawai pekerjaan di jabatan tenaga kerja.
Kaunselor di institut latihan atau institusi pengajian tinggi dan organisasi berkaitan,
Ibu bapa.

4. Bertindak sekarang – rancang kerjaya anda
Dapatkan latihan yang sesuai untuk tingkatkan kebolehan. Contohnya, kemahiran komputer, kemahiran berbahasa inggeris dan kelas menaip.
Dapatkan latihan kemahiran dalam bidang teknikal.
Berjumpa dengan pegawai di Jabatan Tenaga Kerja berhampiran jika memerlukan bimbingan.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Success But Fail?

Every sport games must be winner and loser. It is reality in the games. The winner is happy, the loser cannot frust and try the next time.
However we can look different between the winner and loser.
1. Racer A finish their 100 meter race but did not winning anything. Racer A happy because him finish their race.
2. Racer B success to finish their race but late 1 second from their competitor. Him get silver medal only.
3. Racer C finish their race 2 second before Racer A but late 10 second from Racer B.
4. Racer D win their race but fail to get finish good time to build new record .
5. Racer E did not join 100 meter race because him shoe was ripped. Him think got a winner if him race that games. He win 200 meter race after him get shoe placement.

This is situation we can adopt in life everyday. What is you opinion, whom is positive fail.

Holmberg – Juara Monsoon Cup

Kedudukan Keseluruhan Piala Monsun 2006
Jurumudi Pasukan Hadiah(RM)
1. Peter Holmberg(ISV) Alinghi 250,000.00
2. Mathieu Richard(PER) Saba Sailing 150,000.00
3.Ian Williams(GBR) Team Pindar 100,000.00
4.Peter Gilmore PST 90,000.00
5.Jesper Bank(DEN) United Internet 70,000.00
6.Bjorn Hansen(SWE) Team Apport.Net 60,000.00
7.Paolo Cian(ITA) Team Shosholoza 56,000.00
8.Sebatian Col(FRA) Areva Challenge 46,000.00
9.James Spithill(AUS) Luna Rossa Challenge 40,000.00
10.Adam Minoprio(NZL) Black Match Racing 35,000.00
11.Wearn Haw Tan(SIN) China Team 30,000.00
12.Tiffany Koo(MAL) Selangor Gapurna 28,000.00

Sekali imbas , penonton akan merasakan perlumbaan kapal layar kelihatan seperti sukan yang membosankan, Pemandangan bot ke hulu dan hilir diatas perairan, ditiup angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa ibarat bersiar-siar pada hujung minggu

Namun jangkaan anda meleset kerana ia sejenis sukan yang memerlukan kemahiaran dan tipu muslihat untuk memenangi perlumbaan.Contohnya, saingan penentuan juara antara Holmberg dan Mathieu. Mathieu berani ambil risiko dengan dikenakan penalti berpusing 360 darjah tepat pada boya terakhir dengan kelebihan 2 saat untuk menyamakan kedudukan 2-2 pada pusingan keempat. Ia berlansung sengit apabila berkesudahan Holmberg menang tipis 3-2.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Tips Bijak Urus Kerja Harian

Tugasan semakin hari semakin banyak menyebbakan anda rasa terbeban dan tertekan. Malahan tugasan ini membuatkan fikiran anda bercelaru dan menjadi kusut. Keadaan ini menyebabkan anda sukar memberikan perhatian terhadapkan kerja dan sukar memilih yang mana satu mesti didahulukan.

Apa yang perlu anda lakukan?
1.Berhenti mengeluh
Keluhan anda bukanlah jalan [enyelesaian yang baik. Oleh itu, hentikan keluhan dan yakinkan diri anda mampu melakukannya walaupun ia sukar.

2.Tenangkan fikiran – berehat seketika
Bebanan tugas yang banyak membuatkan anda rasa tertekan. Justeru itu ambil masa beberapa minit untuk berehat sebentar sebelum menyambung kembali tugasan. Ia membuatkan anda merasa tenang malahan mampu mengubah mood anda menjadi lebih bertenaga.

3.Catat semua tugas dalam buku catatan
Catitlah segala tugas dalam buku catatan supaya anda tidak lupa apa yang perlu dilakukan. Cara ini akan memudahkan anda mengigati dan menyemak segala tugasan yang mesti dilakukan.

4.Siapkan tugas yang penting dahulu
Anda mesti tentukan tugasan dalam kategori tertentu iaitu segera, penting dan sebagainya. Cara ini amat membantu anda dalam melaksanakan dan menyelesaikan tugas yang lebih penting dahulu.

5.Sentiasa peka dengan perubahan
Perubahan disekeliling anda amat perlu diketahui. Ini bagi mengelak sebarang masalah yang bakal timbul . Sifat peka ini membantu anda memudahkan dan melicinkan tugasan harian.

6. Gunakan masa dengan sebaiknya
Kerja yang menimbun menyebabkan anda raskan tidak cukup masa untuk disiapkan.Oleh itu, mamfaatkan sebaik mungkin waktu terluang. Contohnya, menyiapkan minit mesyuarat semasa pulang sekiranya ada ruang melakukanya. Keadaan ini menyebabkan anda rasa terisi dengan melakukan sesuatu yang berfaedah.

7. Jangan lakukan kerja pada saat akhir
Tugasan yang dilakukan pada saat akhir lebih terdedah kepada risiko. Kerja siap pada saat akhir menyebabkan anda tidak mempunyai ruang menyemak kembali hasil tugasan yang disiapkan. Malahan kerja anda ini tidak memuaskan hati dan tidak memenuhi kualiti seperti yang diharapkan.

Sikap Mental – Penentu Kejayaan

Setiap pemain dalam apa jenis sukan sekalipun sangat berharap peroleh kejayaan. Sikap mental adalah penentu kejayaan atau kegagalan seseorang dalam sesuatu permainan.

Apakah sikap mental yang positif?
1.Fikirkan kemenangan
Apabila anda memikirkan kemenangan, anda telah memperolehi satu kekuatan berbanding dengan pihak lawan. Secara tidak langsung kekuatan anda lebih daripada keupayaan pesaing anda.

2.Jangan cepat mengalah
Lakukan yang terbaik, menyebabkan anda rasa anda tidak akan kalah walaupun anda hampir kalah. Contohnya pasukan bolasepak anda ketinggal 1- 0 kepada pihak lawan dengan masa Cuma tinggal 3 minit tidak termasuk mas kecederaan. Dalam masa 3 minit itu apa-apa boleh berlaku, pasukan anda mungkin dapat menjaringkan 2 gol dan beroleh kemenangan. Bermain sehingga titisan peluh terakhir.

3.Jangan alpa apabila anda dahului lawan
Ini adalah satu sikap mesti diamalkan oleh setiap pemain dalam apa jenis sukan sekalipun. Jangan fakir anda sudah menag sebelum tiba di garisan penamat. Tamatkan perlumbaan dahulu sebelum raikan kejayaan.

4.Motivasikan diri dan rakan sepasukan
Jika anda adalah kapten dalam sesuatu permainan , anda mesti tunjukkan segala kebolehan anda. Anda menjadi ikutan kepada rakan sepasukan supaya bermain dengan lebih baik lagi. Anda adalah sumber kekuatan pasukan, jadi anda memotivasikan diri dengan bermain baik dan dapat memotivasikan rakan sepasukan yang lain.

5.Jangan biarkan penonton pengaruhi anda
Penonton adalah pemain yang ke 23 dalam permainan bolasepak. Jangan terpengaruh dengan ejekan penonton lawan, kawal diri anda daripada terpengaruh dengan penonton lawan. Buktikan pasukan lawan boleh dikalahkan dengan bermain bersungguh-sungguh.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ada Kerja Ada Gaji. Setujukah anda?

Setiap orang yang bekerja pasti mahukan upah apabila kerja berjaya dilaksanakan.Bagi kakitangan kerajan pula lebih bertuah belum cukup bulan lagi dah dapat upah, Biasanya mereka mendapat gaji pada 21 haribulan setiap bulan. Malahan sebilangan kecil daripada mereka “duduk diam tak buat apa-apa” masih lagi dapat duit gaji.

Pekerja swasta pula hanya dapat gaji, biasanya pada awal bulan iaitu selepas buat kerja. Kadang-kadang ada yang dapat pada hujung bulan berikutnya. Malahan pada 2 atau 3 bulan selepas bekerja. Adakah ini adil.

Saya biasa dengar, orang kata pekerja baru ( guru sandaran) hanya akan mendapat gaji selepas 3 bulan kerja dilaksanakan, Namun selepas 3 bulan masih tak dapat lagi gaji, kenapa ye. Selidik dan soalsiasat dibuat, sahlah pekerja tersebut tak dapat gaji lagi sebab surat perlantikannya masih berada di atas meja pengetua. Surat itu masih belum dipos, katanya tunggu selepas 3 bulan, baru hantar. Salah siapa ni.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Time Management in Games or Job

Every games has to set how much time to play. For example football, it have 90 minutuse to play, 45 minute for a half time. Everyone didnot to change, but him and him partner can set time management to get victory in their games.

1. Forward Planning. Planning is the fundamental building block of time management. What you must remember is that the plan you create must be a plan you can implement. This means being accurate about the day-to-day realities of your work and other responsibilities; allowing for the usual interruptions, delays and crises.

2. Prioritise. Decide on the activities most important to you and which you can live without. These can be tough choices, but not making them deprives you of the time you need to really enjoy your life. Once you've set your priorities, do not add a new activity unless you decide against carrying out one. If you put in extra hours on the job regularly, or bring home unfinished paperwork, you may need to discuss your workload with your boss or explore other career options.

3. Track your progress. All major projects require their own schedule, timeline, or timetable identifying the milestones on the way to completion. If you have set realistic target dates, your progress should match your plan. If unforeseen developments place you behind your projected dates, you can either alert your boss or client and set a revised completion date or take steps to hasten your progress and make up the lost time. (Always leave room on your schedule for work-in-progress updates.)

4. Delegate what you can. You are probably undertaking tasks that can be handled by others. Start with the routine, time-consuming jobs you know someone else can do. Recognise that teaching someone else the ropes will take a bit of time, and allow for a reasonable learning curve. The benefits to you however, in terms of increased time and decreased stress, will more than repay your efforts.

5. Learn to say "No". Almost everyone ends up working late or bringing work home once in a while. However, if you find yourself doing it more and more often, it may be time for you to start saying no, not only to others but also to yourself. Regular long working hours upsets the balance between work and leisure that is essential to your health and well-being.

6. Group tasks according to the skills required. In order to maximise your time, try to do the jobs requiring maximum concentration and peak efficiency when your attention and energy levels are highest. Likewise, try to schedule your routine, low-level tasks for times of the day when you find it hard to concentrate. The trick is to pinpoint your hours of peak performance and schedule your work accordingly.

7. Be adaptable. Always find, adapt, and apply efficient new techniques to the responsibilities you carry out. This will save you time and also cut down on your overall workload. In the process, you will project an image of efficiency and control. In fact, the longer you have been doing a job, the more it is to your credit to devise and explore improved techniques and streamlined procedures.

8. Manage big jobs smartly. It is easy to put off jobs of huge proportions. For example, spring-cleaning the house may appear to be a daunting task. However, if you manage the job smartly, you will move towards that goal in stages: select the room you will begin with, buy the essentials you need, and begin work on the curtains first for example. By breaking a big task into manageable steps, setting a timetable for doing each step, and chipping away at the project, you can accomplish almost anything-and with a lot less stress than by trying to do it all at once.

9. Leisure activities. The best time management plans encompass the whole of your life, rather than just your working hours. Don't leave it to chance that you'll spend a leisurely weekend with your kids, go on a date with your spouse or pursue a personal interest. Allocate time for family, friends, exercise, special interests, or special projects instead of just enjoying these essential elements with the remaining time you have left after the usual daily grind. Doing so will allow you to examine your present ratio of work to home and leisure time and help you restore the balance in your life.

10. Relax. Finally, learn to relax. Stress breeds stress. So don't let yourself stay so keyed up that you forget to smell the roses during the free time you have created for yourself.

Changing Your Job At Difficult Times

For the past few years, job changing was a scenario among the Malaysian and in the world workforce. Companies staff-pinched experienced employees from competitors to work for them. Head-hunters approached knowledge workers to offer them higher pay, better benefits and fatter packages. Even the young and inexperienced people entering the workforce were likely to change jobs a few times before they finally settled down in a company to offer their lifelong services.

This desire for a change in jobs or career in life is natural because human beings are not easily contented with what they have already possessed. Career change is a reality of modern workplace, regardless of your age, sex, education, experience and position. If you have been counting the hours until the end of the workday, feeling the sting of not being promoted fairly, or wondering whether your superiors are taking your hard work for granted, perhaps you have already made up your mind to leave the current job and look forward to a new challenge in the world of work.

But before you act, consider the cause and effect of changing your job. Given the negative scenario of employment and not knowing when this economic turmoil will end, you need to take more precautions to make sure you land a better job than your current one. You certainly need more information about the industry, field or profession to help you assess the gains and losses as a result of changing your job. Useful information will also give you more options should you decide that it is time for you to make the move.

Take into consideration what is happening in your department, company and industry. The national economy, the community, employment trends, demand for your expertise as well as competition from others can affect your job and you in many ways. Ideally, you want to be able to identify and recognize career advancements as well as obstacles. A brief analysis on your own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and the challenges ahead will help you visualise your career objective more clearly.

Can you think, where is ronaldinho today, if he change his career player football to american football or other games. We have lost one of the utility player in football arena. How about Tiger Woods change him career to football player. I think him in out of history today. Him isnot good football player but him is golf player. This is difficult for everyone to change him career to the ringht decision.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monsoon Cup Come Again

Tanggal 29 November hingga 3 Disember 2006, Pantai Teluk Warisan, Pulau Duyong akan menjadi saksi lagi kehebatan pelumba perahu layar terhebat bersaing menjadi sang juara. Semasa pertandingan ini berlansung dijangka seramai 100 ribu orang akan membanjiri Pulau Duyong dan menyaksikan persaingan hebat merebut kejuaraan.

Banyak aktiviti yang diadakan semasa Monsoon Cup ini , antaranya pelbagai jenis pameran, pertandingan perahu layar kawalan jauh, menikmati cara menunggang “Segway” , Konsert Fiesta Monsun, Majlis Makan Malam Gala Eksklusif “ PRIDE” yang menampilkan George Benson. Acara kemuncak apabila 12 pasukan berentap merebut kejuaraan di Pulau Duyong.

Diantara tujuan acara ini diadakan di Terengganu adalah menarik ramai pelancong di negeri ini terutamanya pelancong dari luar negara melawat dan menikmati keindahan alam semu;ajadi di sini. Menurut pengelola, hampir 15 juta dihabiskan untuk tujuan promosi dan pengiklanan. Jumlah ini agak besar namum berbaloi untuk masa akan dating terutamanya industri pelancongan dan penginapan.

Sebagaimana tahun lepas, aktiviti kali ini dijangka lebih meriah dan menarik. Lagipun sudah ramai yang tahu bila dan dimana acara ini diadakan. Malahan ia mendapat liputan meluas apabila ESPN menyiarkanya secara langsung untuk tatapan jutaan peminat di seluruh dunia. Ayuh kita gegarkan Pantai Teluk Warisan, Pulau Duyong dengan sorakan kepada pasukan pilihan anda.

PlayStation 3 and PSMania

PS3 merupakan konsol permainan terkini yang akan mencabar konsol permainan video Xbox360 keluaran Microsoft yang telah setahun berada di pasaran. Konsol ini adalah yang termahal dalam sistem permainan generasi baru.

Sony telah memperkenalkan kepada umum mengenai spesifikasi dan bentuk PS3 akhir tahun lepas dan melancarkanya pada 3 November 2006 yang lalu di Jepun.
PS3 dilengkapi dengan sambungan wayerles, perisian pelayar internet dan menggunakan pemain cakera DVD Blue-ray yang mampu meningkatkan kemampuan grafik.

Bagi peminat PS3 inilah masa yang ditunggu-tunggu untuk mendapatkanya walaupun terpaksa beratur panjang. Menurut laporan, lebih seratus orang peminat PS3 telah beratur diluar sebuah kedai yang menjualnya di bandar Rockville, Amerika Syarikat. Malahan ada diantara mereka sanggup mendirikan khemah diluar kedai semata-mata menjadi orang yang terawal memiliki permainan berkenaan.

Kebanyakan PS3 Mania sanggup menghabiskan wang simpanan mereka semata-mata untuk memiliki konsol terhebat ini. Hampir sebahagian besar peminat PS3 adalah tergolong dikalangan belia dan remaja. Malahan ada juga yang bekerja part time dengan mengumpul wang terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan permainan yang diidamkan ini.

Bagi yang kepingin memilikinya terpaksa bersaing dengan membida di laman web lelong seperti E-Bay. Harga ini melambung berkaliganda daripada harga asal namun kepuasan kepada yang dapat tidak boleh digambarkan dalam bentuk kata-kata. Hanya PSmania sahaja yang tahu bila hajat mereka diperolehi.

FAM Need Dunhill Sponsor For Football

Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia ( FAM ) sedia berbincang dengan kerajaan berhubung dengan penajaan syarikat rokok. Keadaan ini berpunca kerana masalah kewangan yang membelenggu kebanyakan persatuan bolasepak negeri.

Dunhill adalah antara penaja utama bosepak Malaysia sejak berdekad lalu sejak liga semi pro lagi dan kini liga super turut memerlukan penajaan supaya aktiviti bolasepak berjalan dengan lancar.

Walaubagaimanapun, ia mungkin menerima tekanan hebat dari peringkat antarabangsa disebabkan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia ( WHO ) melarang keras penajaan syarikat rokok diperingkat antarabangsa.

Keadaan ini menyebabkan dilemma kepada pihak FAM dan persatuan bolasepak negeri. Ibarat “ duit dah ada tapi tak boleh nak digunapakai.” Penaja – penaja lain ada tetapi jumlah yang sedia untuk ditaja tidak banyak demi untuk melancarkan pengurusan bolasepak negeri dan peringkat antarabangsa.

Jika mendapat penajaan yang banyak dari Dunhill. Persatuan Bolasepak negeri dan FAM dapat gunakan peruntukkan tersebut untuk:
1.Membina dan melatih remaja menjadi pemain berkelas dunia seperti Ronaldinho, Thierry Henry, Gianlluigi Buffon dan ramai lagi.
2.Membina prasarana sukan bolasepak yang lengkap dengan kemudahan termoden dan terkini mengikut peredaran semasa.
3.Bayar untuk perbelanjaan pentadbiran dan pengurusan kakitamgan persatuan. Termasuk gaji dan elaun pemain, jurulatih dan pengurus pasukan.
4.Membuat latihan diluar negara dengan mengadakan perlawanan persahabatan dengan pasukan yang hebat seperti pasukan bolasepak di benua Eropah.
5.Membuat roadtour dengan mengcungkil bakat-bakat muda seperti yang dilakukan oleh pasukan MyTeam dalam mencari pemain berbakat untuk negara pada masa depan.

Bagi persatuan bolasepak negeri kena paksa diri mencari alternatif penajaan selain penaja yang sedia ada. Persatuan boleh menjalankan perniagaan konvensional seperti menjalankan perniagaan supermarket, borong dan sebagainya. Ia pasti mendapat sokongan pemain serta peminat bolasepak kerana tanpa sokongan peminat tiada pemain bolasepak yang baik.Pengurusan perniagaan ini hendaklah diuruskan oleh orang perseorangan yang pakar sahaja dan tanpa campurtangan politik pemimpin bolasepak.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Benefit Job At Home

1.Jimatkan Perbelanjaan
Anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak belanja untuk ke tempat kerja. Anda dapat mengurangkan belanja petrol untuk kenderaan, tol , bayaran letak kereta dan sebagainya. Cuba anda kira sendiri, belanja petrol RM5.00 sehari, tol pergi dan pulang RM2.40 sehari, bayaran letak kereta RM5.00 sehari. Andaikan anda bekerja 20 hari sebulan bermakna anda perlu menampung perbelanjaan sebanyak RM248.00 sebulan.Jika anda bekerja di rumah anda tidak perlu fikirkan lagi bagaimana hendak menjelaskannya. Bayangkan betapa banyak anda jimat untuk perbelanjaan untuk setahun.

Menurut lagenda tinju, Muhammad Ali yang juga dikenali sebagai Cassius Clay, pernah berkata, “Apa yang penting bukanlah berapa banyak wang yang anda perolehi, tetapi bagaimana anda membelanjakan wang yang sedikit.” Bagi saya, rahsia menyimpan wang ialah dengan mengurangkan perbelanjaan dengan bekerja dari rumah dan mengawal belanjawan.

Bagi pesara agensi kerajaan menyatakan bahawa, “saya telah bekerja dari rumah. Ia telah mengajar saya bagaimana hidup dengan pendapatan yang sedikit tetapi perbelanjaan yang kecil.”
Saya berjaya melakukannya, malah mampu menyimpan lebih banyak daripada yang saya dapat simpan sebelum ini. Ia mungkin kedengaran mustahil: “Pendapatan anda kurang; inflasi sedang berlaku – harga barang-barang mahal tetapi anda kata anda boleh menyimpan lebih banyak. Benarkah?” Aneh, bukan?
Pertama sekali, apabila anda bekerja dari rumah, masa anda kurang dihabiskan di jalanraya dan ini bermakna kereta anda kurang menerima tekanan. Oleh itu, bukan sahaja kos untuk petrol akan berkurangan tetapi juga kos membaiki dan menyelenggarakan kereta.

Sedarkah anda bahawa setiap kali anda membawa kereta berjumpa mekanik, anda terpaksa membayar lebih kerana anda selalunya terpaksa membaiki bahagian yang sebenarnya masih berfungsi dengan baik? Saya pasti kebanyakan dari anda hanya menyerahkan bulat-bulat kepada mereka yang pakar untuk menentukan apa yang baik untuk kereta anda.

2. Gaya hidup lebih ringkas
Dengan bekerja dari rumah juga, anda tidak perlu menukar kereta atau membeli pakaian baru kerana pakaian yang ringkas adalah lebih sesuai apabila anda bekerja di rumah. Apabila bekerja di pejabat, anda mungkin berpakaian kemas dan cantik, tetapi di rumah tidak perlu. Anda bukan sahaja dapat menjimatkan wang membeli pakaian yang mahal, beg dan kasut yang sedondong, tetapi anda juga dapat berjimat dari membeli alat solek. Pernahkah anda terfikir bagaimana setiap kali pulang dari pejabat anda akan bergegas menukar pakaian yang lebih selesa? Tentu sekali pakaian biasa ini lebih murah dan selesa! Di rumah anda tidak perlu berhias.
Saya kenal ramai pekerja wanita yang gemar menghabiskan wang gaji mereka membeli alat solek dan pakaian. Saya juga kenal beberapa orang yang hidup dengan kad kredit semata-mata kerana terikut-ikut dengan gaya semasa. Oleh itu, anda dapat menjimatkan wang dengan bekerja dari rumah.

3. Miliki banyak masa lapang
Jika anda bekerja dari rumah , anda dapat menjimatkan masa. Setiap orang miliki masa yang sama 24 jam tetapi anda punyai lebih banyak masa luang daripada orang lain. Anda boleh merancang masa anda dengan lebih baik. Anda boleh pergi berbelanja barangan dapur semasa keluar membayar bil dan sebagainya. Masa berada di tangan anda dan anda tidak perlu melapor diri kepada sesiapa. Dengan ini, anda dapat menjimatkan masa yang boleh anda gunakan untuk membuat kerja anda di rumah. Apabila keluar berbelanja, buatlah senarai barang-barang yang perlu anda beli untuk mengelakkan berbelanja keterlaluan.

Saya tidak pernah berbelanja ketika perut lapar kerana anda tidak sedar akan tarikan gerai makanan ke atas selera anda semasa anda sedang lapar. Makan di rumah adalah lebih menyihatkan. Ini juga menjimatkan perbelanjaan perubatan, dan anda tidak perlu berulang-alik berjumpa doctor. Ini juga bermakna anda menjimatkan masa!

Anda hendaklah mengambil kesemua peluang yang datang apabila anda bekerja di rumah, kerana anda mempunyai banyak masa yang boleh dipergunakan untuk bekerja dan berekreasi. Bila anda mempunyai terlalu banyak artikel untuk ditulis – kadangkala tugasan ini datang sekaligus – anda dapat merancang masa anda untuk dipadankan dengan tugasan dan tarikh akhir.

4. Anda adalah boss bagi anda sendiri!
Apabila anda bekerja di rumah, anda boleh mengambil pembantu separuh masa. Anda dapat berjimat dari mengambil pembantu rumah sepenuh masa. Kita semua tahu perbelanjaan untuk menggaji seorang pembantu rumah sepenuh masa adalah tinggi.

Bil elektrik, air dan telefon akan berkurangan kerana anda berada di rumah untuk mengawalnya. Tambahan pula, perniagaan dari rumah hanya memerlukan sedikit perbelanjaan tambahan kerana kebanyakan rumah sudah mempunyai perabot, telefon, komputer, malah mesin faksimili. Memulakan rumah-pejabat sungguh mudah. Lebih baik jika perabot tidak banyak kerana ini akan memberi ruang yang lebih luas untuk anda bergerak. Anda juga dapat belajar mempergunakan apa yang ada – improvasi ialah ciri-ciri seorang boss di rumah yang pintar. Gunakan kipas angin, bukannya pendingin hawa untuk menjaga alam sekitar dan menjimatkan tenaga kerana kipas angin menggunakan tenaga elektrik yang kurang.

Tentu sekali kos overhed dan perbelanjaan lain dapat dikurangkan kerana apabila anda bekerja dari rumah, anda tahu banyak perkara… tetapi ia tidak bermakna anda tidak mempunyai pengkhususan kerana anda boleh mengawal apa yang anda mampu lakukan. Anda boleh memilih tugasan dan klien dan menentukan tarikh akhir anda sendiri kerana anda adalah boss.
Anda adalah perancang utama, tiada siapa yang memaksa dan mendesak anda. Anda mencurahkan tenaga dan hasilnya adalah untuk anda juga. Jika anda bekerja dengan pintar, lebih banyak pendapatan yang boleh diperolehi. Keaadaan ini sudah tentu sekali dapat mengurangkan tekanan.

Bayangkan lah anda diminta menulis 15 artikel untuk laman web ini, oleh kerana masa berada di tangan anda , anda berjaya menyiapkan tugasan ini dengan cepat, dan anda pasti terkejut apabila diberi lebih banyak tugasan. Ini bermakna anad beruntung kerana mempunyai lebih banyak artikel untuk ditulis. Sudah tentu lebih banyak pendapatan yang anda perolehi. Apabila anda mengamalkan tabiat berjimat-cermat dan kehendak yang tidak seberapa kerana anda bekerja di rumah, saya mempunyai wang simpanan yang lebih. Mungkin anda dapat melakukan lebih banyak perkara yang ingin dilaksanakan dalam hidup seperti mendaki puncak Kinabalu. Semuanya boleh anda lakukan dengan bekerja sendiri secara pintar dan bekerja dari rumah anda..

Friday, November 17, 2006

Outdoor Games Football Players

Bolasepak ialah merupakan salah satu permainan berpasukan yang disukai oleh kebanyakan orang. Permainan ini dimainkan oleh 11 orang sepasukan dan dibantu oleh 1 orang pengadil dan 2 orang penjaga garisan serta seorang pengadil simpanan. Dalam permainan ini setiap pasukan perlu menjaringkan gol untuk mencapai kemenangan.

Diantara pemain bolasepak terkenal pada masa kini ialah Ronaldiho, sekarang bermain untuk pasukan Barcelona di liga Sepanyol. Beliau terkenal kerana mampu membuat sepakan percuma yang berjaya menghasilkan gol. Disamping itu beliau sentiasa membantu pemain penyerang pasukan dengan membuat hantaran tepat untuk menjaringkan gol kemenangan.

Kehebatan Ronaldinho dalam membuat sepakan percuma, masih diigati apabila, beliau menjaringkan gol kemenangan semasa menentang pasukan England di suku akhir pada Piala Dunia 2002 yang dianjurkan bersama oleh Korea dan Jepun,. Semasa membuat sepakan percuma yang jauh diluar kotak penalti, beliau memerhatikan penjaga gol England, David Seaman yang berdiri jauh dari petak golnya. Pada masa itu, beliau mempunyai 2 pilihan iaitu menyepak bola kepada rakan sepasukan untuk menjaringkan gol atu membuat jaringan gol untuk pasukan. Beliau memilih untuk menjaringkan gol dengan menendang bola terus ke pintu gol lalu bola itu meluru dengan pantas dan masuk ke mulut gol. Pakar-pakar bolasepak dunia menyatakan gol yang dijaringkan adalah antara yang tercantik dalam sejarah Piala Dunia.

Thiery Henry meupakan seorang pemain bolasepak yang berbakat pada masa kini, sekarang bermain untuk pasukan Arsenal dalam Liga Perdana England. Beliau bermain di posisi serangan. Henry adalah seorang penyerang yang prolifik kerana berjaya menjaringkan banyak gol untuk pasukannya Beliau juga boleh menjaringkan gol melalui sepakan percuma yang cantik. Beliau telah dianugerahkan sebagai penjaring terbanyak dalam Liga Perdana England. Kejayaan ini melayakan beliau dianugerahkan sebagai pemain terbaik di England. Buat masa sekarang beliau adalah penjaring gol terhebat bagi pasukanya di Arsenal liga Perdana England.

Bagi pemain pertahanan pula, John Terry adalah antara pemain yang hebat, Beliau sentiasa berjaya mengekang asakan daripada penyerang lawan. Beliau adalah salah seorang pemain Chelsea yang beraksi di liga Perdana England. Kehebatan beliau ini telah berjaya menobatkan beliau sebagai pemain pertahanan terbaik di liga Perdana England. Dedikasi dan komitmen yang beliau tunjukkan melayakan beliau menjadi ketua pasukan Chelsea. Sejak beberapa musim lalu beliau merupakan pemain regular dalam pasukan Chelsea dan menjadi nadi pasukan dalam setiap perlawanan.

Gianluigi Buffon adalah penjaga gol terbaik di Series A, Itali buat masa sekarang. Beliau bermain untuk pasukan Juventus sejak lama dulu lagi. Beliau merupakan tunjang kekuatan di posisi pertahanan kerana pemain terakhir yang perlu ditewaskan untuk pasuakan lawan mencapai kemenangan. Memiliki seorang penjaga gol yang cekap dapat menambah keyakinan rakan sepasukan dalam menghadapi asakan pihak lawan. Keadaan ini amat ketara apabila penjaga gol berjaya menafikan sepakan penalti yang diamabil oleh pihak lawan. Oleh itu, beliau layak dianugerahkan sebagai penjaga gol terbaik di Series A dan juga Itali buat masa kini.

Dalam permainan bolasepak ini, kerjasama berpasukan penting untuk pasukan mencapai kemenangan. Namun, jika pasukan memiliki 3 atu 4 pemain yang memiliki kemahiran ia menambahkan lagi kekuatan pasukan. Oleh itu, pemain ini menjadi nadi kekuatan sesuatu pasukan dalam mengharungi setiap perlawanan sama ada di peringkat domestik dan Liga Juara- juara bagi kelab di peringkat Eropah.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Work At Home

Anda teringin memulakan perkhidmatan rekabentuk grafik yang beroperasi dari rumah. Anda fikir anda telah mempunyai kesemua ciri-ciri yang diperlukan – latihan yang sewajarnya, diploma daripada institusi Seni yang diiktiraf, empat tahun pengalaman bekerja dengan wakil pengiklanan antarabangsa, dan penglibatan dalam beberapa kempen yang terkenal dan telah berjaya merangkul anugerah. Adakah semua itu sahaja yang diperlukan untuk berjaya?

Mungkin pada pandangan mata kasar, dengan kelayakan dan pengalaman yang anda miliki, anda rasa anda telah benar-benar bersedia untuk menceburi satu cara hidup yang berbeza. Walau bagaimanapun, sebagai seorang individu yang akan beradu nasib mendirikan pejabat dirumah anda sendiri, anda tidak lagi membawa nama baik syarikat tempat anda bekerja dahulu. Buat masa sekarang anda bermula dengan kosong tanpa memiliki reputasi yang anda banggakan.

Jika anda tergolong dikalangan orang-orang yang bekerja dari rumah dan berkata, “Terbaris trofi-trofi kemenangan didalam almari untuk semua melihatnya, jadi apa lagi yang saya perlu katakan?”, maka anda perlu tahu bahawa pengaruh trofi-trofi, pingat-pingat dan sijil-sijil itu mungkin tidak akan melangkaui lepas dari keempat-empat dinding batu rumah anda sahaja. Pendek kata, anda mesti bangun menghadapi kenyataan. Jika tiada orang yang mengetahui kewujudan anda, tiada siapa yang akan pergi ke perniagaan anda dan tiada siapa yang akan membeli dari anda. Anda perlu membuat perancangan terperinci untuk memasarkan perniagaan anda.

Terdapat juga orang-orang yang tidak yakin untuk melakukan pengumuman berkenaan barangan dan perkhidmatan mereka. Mereka memandang rendah kepada kebolehan mereka sendiri, maka mereka telah kehilangan banyak peluang-peluang perniagaan. Jangan memandang rendah terhadap kebolehan dan kemahiran anda. Sebagai contohnya, jika apa yang anda tahu Cuma memasak makanan yang mudah-mudah, jangan sekali-kali membuang idea perancangan untuk memulakan perniagaan katering dari rumah dari fikiran anda. Anda mungkin merupakan ‘penyelamat’ kepada ibu-ibu yang bekerja sepenuh masa, orang-orang hilang upaya ataupun orang-orang tua. Teruskan impian anda! Hulurkan tangan anda kepada mereka-mereka yang memerlukan perkhidmatan anda.

Dalam perniagaan, anda mesti berfikir seperti seorang pengusaha; pemasaran perkhidmatan atau barangan-barangan anda merupakan salah satu keperluan didalam operasi bekerja dari rumah. Anda fikirkan boleh, laksanakannya, jangan biarakan ia hanya bersarang dalam minda anda. BUAT dan yakinkan diri anda bahawa anda boleh.

Bagaimana anda boleh membuat orang lain menyedari kewujudan barangan atau perkhidmatan anda dan berapa lamakah anda dapat menahan perhatian mereka agar mereka tertarik untuk mencubanya? Anda perlu jual diri anda dulu, sebelum anda dapat menjual produk atau servis. Bergaullah dengan bakal pelanggan anda, antaranya pergi ke majlis-majlis tertentu seperti jamuan hari raya, majlis kesyukuran dan sebagainya.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Tips To Get Job In The Malaysia

In the Malaysian market, your resume and job interview needs to both SHOW and TELL your qualifications as visually as possible. It’s your job to give energy to your resume and make your skills come alive in the mind of an employer.

Think about a job you really want and how you would show that you are right for the job. How you would tell about yourself. Here are some tips:

“SHOW” HOW MUCH YOU CARE: You must know everything you possibly can about the company BEFORE you apply. Do your homework. Most companies today have a corporate website with the details of the business's history, philosophy, product lines, achievements and marketing focus. Read through the entire website and tailor your resume and cover letter to the strengths, pride and products of the company. What do you see as their short and long-term goals? These are answers that employers love to see and hear – that you’ve actually put some thought and research into their business. SHOW them that you understand their firm and care enough to think about their needs; and think about how you can help their product or trade lines for them by hiring you. Make your case!

“TELL” THEM WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR: Your resume and cover letter must be the best possible presentation you can make. A cover letter’s primary purpose is to act as an employer’s introduction to your resume, and to you. SHOW and TELL them why they should even consider you for the post you apply.

•Your cover letter should have a subtitle yet strong selling message – a point-by-point detail that tells the Malaysian employer that, by hiring you, they’ll benefit from your previous successes and experiences.
•You must use Malaysian expressions and terminology. Use statistics and measurements that show what you were able to achieve for former employers.
•Appeal to their interests, but don’t use the cover letter to criticize their business model. Instead, show how you would complement their company’s goals and ideals.
For more detail please refering my articles " Good Cover Letter" and " Good Resume".

Speak in the language that they want to read – the language of success, achievement and profit. For example, if company use english you must to speak in english. Make your cover letter compelling enough that they would want to meet this success story –you -- in person. Or at least want to read the rest of your resume.

“SHOW” IT IN THE INTERVIEW: The Malaysian Company like your resume and cover letter. Now they want to talk to you. When you land your job interview, either in person, over the telephone or even through the computer, prepare answers that again detail your specific accomplishments and tasks. TELL them what they want to hear, but anticipate how they’d want to hear it.

•SHOW you understand the company’s objectives and know how your skills suibtable into those objectives, and how you are eager to do more and learn more. Malaysian employers like job applicants who have confidence.
•Make a list of the successes that you are proud of, and that you think are key to their business. The trick is to fold your success stories into their line of questioning. Try to take their questions and turn them into a discussion of the similar environments you have worked in, the similar tasks you have done, the triumphs you have achieved and your drive and determination to work up to the top of your field. How do you do this? By practice.
•Must remember to make your answers concise and to-the-point. It’s not easy when you have a lot of information to tell, but practice with a friend. Write out pretend interview questions and then make up mock answers. TELL your story through the most imaginative, persuasive words you can in the most economical way you can SHOW it.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Good Cover Letter

Jacky Lim
12,Lorong Salak 3,
Taman Limau Kasturi,
51600 Kuala Lumpur,

November 4, 2006

Human Resources Manager,
Brahmin Technology Entertainment
7,Petaling Street,
51500 Kuala Lumpur


Re: Application for IT Executive

I am actively seeking an executive assistant opportunity in a demanding, fast-paced multi-tasking office. My four years of executive experience at Mydin Holding have equipped me with a multitude of skills, and I would like to continue my growth at Brahmin Entertainment.

Throughout my career I have demonstrated for my employers an exceptional facility for meeting organizational objectives and demands. In addition to my secretarial skills, I am an adept event planner, having served as the director of the Lambert Warner Christmas Ball for the last two years. My skills as a hostess have often been utilized by employers; I was the only executive assistant entrusted with client greeting, tour leading, and other hospitality services. I am certain I would prove to be an asset at Brahmin Entertainment as well.

If my abilities meet the needs of Brahmin Entertainment, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity of speaking with you personally at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time.


Jacky Lim

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Good Resume

To find a good teaching job you need to have a good resume. If you do not think that you have the right format. Please refer my sample resume below.

There are many different sample resume formats, also different countries may use different resume format. Also resume is called CV.It is a good idea to check the resume format in the country you are considering to work in.

I can show you how to write your own resume.
Another Helpful idea is your cover letter, you need to write a small self introduction called the (cover letter) related you and your work called cover letter along with your resume or CV.

Ahmad Kamaruddin( your first and last name)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ( your location) ( your email address)

Objective: ( why do you need this job?)
To obtain a position in an educational role for next year 2006; utilizing my
educational Background as an Multimedia Teacher.

Education: ( state all your studies and education)
University Of Malaya ( Jan 1991-June 1995).
Bachelor Degree Of Multimedia (BM)

Employment: ( your work experience, concentrate on your field)

English Teacher (Multimedia Teacher) Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
Teaching all levels and ages, Adults, High School, Middle school, Pre middle and some English counseling (2004- Til)

English & Multimedia Tutor, Online teaching English & Multimedia
Kuala Lumpur – Malaysia . World wide web (2002 – 2003)
Teaching English online for Malaysians, Multimedia, English, Science,
projects to University students, business students, school
students of all ages and fields in English. The students age
are from 10 to 55 years of age. elementary, middle, high
school, and university students and some Doctors. I have from
doctors to little kids as my students.

Teaching materials are books, lesson, planes, quizzes, and
online activities using the online conferencing methods a&

Many of the teaching methods involved students choosing their
own topics in addition to the books, to improve their ability to
speak freely in technical, medical, business, and professional
terms as well as general terms in English and Normal daily
conversational English

Also assisted in online teaching such as, the use the
internet, video conferencing, and many other issues.

(Private Tutor, QLD, 2002 – current)
Responsible for assisting College and high school students in
the subjects of English, computer and internet, Math, and

Web design & IT solutions, ITS, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia( 2000 – 2002)
Responsible, web design production, computer trouble shooting,
and IT solutions.

Tutor, University Of Malaya, (1995-2000).
Responsible for assisting College students in the subjects of
Mathematics and Chemistry.

High Lights Knowledge in Windows applications 98, XP, And 2000.
(Office 97& 2000).
Web design and some programming.
Knowledge in Teaching methods and psychology
Adapts well to new working environments.
Enjoy working in a team.
Creative, resourceful, very organized, and self-starter.
Attention to details.
Online teaching and methods, extracted from the web

Member The Association of Multimedia Club, University Of Malaya, Malaysia.

Personal Single, willing to travel and relocate.

References Available upon request
If you are looking for more resumes or to view and post a resume, looking for a job, or just have a question please click here

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beckham Gamestyle Honours , Awards and Titles

1992 - FA Youth Cup - Winner (Manchester United)
1993 - FA Youth Cup - Runner-up (Manchester United)
1996 - FA Premier League - Winner (Manchester United)
1996 - FA Cup - Winner (Manchester United)
1996 - FA Charity Shield - Winner (Manchester United)
1997 - FA Premier League - Winner (Manchester United)
1997 - FA Charity Shield - Winner (Manchester United)
1999 - FA Premier League - Winner (Manchester United)
1999 - FA Cup - Winner (Manchester United)
1999 - UEFA Champions League - Winner (Manchester United)
1999 - FA Premier League-Winner (Manchester United)
2000 - FA Premier League-Winner (Manchester United)
2001 - FA Premier League-Winner (Manchester United)
2003 - FA Premier League-Winner (Manchester United)
2003 - European Super Cup (Real Madrid)

Play Games Like Beckham Style

One of England's most influential football players and a tabloid favorite, former Real Madrid midfielder, David Beckham, has become known for his talent as well as his temperament. David Robert Joseph Beckham was born May 2, 1975, in Leytonstone, England. As a student in Essex, Beckham won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills Award at the age of 11, making his football talent evident at an early age.
After being signed as a trainee July 8, 1991, the Bobby Charlton fan played as a substitute for Andrei Kanchelskis on September 23, 1992. The game against Brighton marked Beckham's debut as a United player.Winner of the 1992 F.A. Youth Cup and runner-up a year later, Beckham was finally signed as a professional United player in January 1993. The 18-year-old soccer pro played in his first Champions League game and contributed a goal to the team's final win.Despite his talent, Beckham only made his full debut in April 1995.
He became a first team regular in the 1996-'97 seasons as a right midfielder. In 1996, not only did England get a taste of Beckham's crossing, free kick and long shot talent, but the player also won the F.A. Premier League, Cup and Charity Shield; all in the same year. 1996 was also the year Beckham made his international debut in a game against Moldova.The same summer, Beckham scored his first international goal in the June 26, 1998 game against Colombia, although he made waves in a negative way.
During the 1998 World Cup in France, Beckham kicked Diego Simeone lightly in the back of the leg, in retaliation for having been fouled by the player. Needles to say, Beckham's vengeful kick basically kicked himself -- out of the game, that is. Outnumbered by Argentina, England lost the game (at least that's what they attribute their loss to), and Beckham's nation was unforgiving, to say the least. Him is one of England's most influential football players and a tabloid favorite, former Manchester United's midfielder, David Beckham, has become known for his talent as well as his temperament.David Robert Joseph Beckham was born May 2, 1975, in Leytonstone, England. As a student in Essex, Beckham won the Bobby Charlton Soccer Skills Award at the age of 11, making his football talent evident at an early age.
After being signed as a trainee July 8, 1991, the Bobby Charlton fan played as a substitute for Andrei Kanchelskis on September 23, 1992. The game against Brighton marked Beckham's debut as a United player.Winner of the 1992 F.A. Youth Cup and runner-up a year later, Beckham was finally signed as a professional United player in January 1993. The 18-year-old soccer pro played in his first Champions League game and contributed a goal to the team's final win.Despite his talent, Beckham only made his full debut in April 1995. He became a first team regular in the 1996-'97 seasons as a right midfielder. In 1996, not only did England get a taste of Beckham's crossing, free kick and long shot talent, but the player also won the F.A. Premier League, Cup and Charity Shield; all in the same year. 1996 was also the year Beckham made his international debut in a game against Moldova.
The same summer, Beckham scored his first international goal in the June 26, 1998 game against Colombia, although he made waves in a negative way. During the 1998 World Cup in France, Beckham kicked Diego Simeone lightly in the back of the leg, in retaliation for having been fouled by the player. Needles to say, Beckham's vengeful kick basically kicked himself -- out of the game, that is. Outnumbered by Argentina, England lost the game (at least that's what they attribute their loss to), and Beckham's nation was unforgiving, to say the least.
Right now David Beckham is icon in fottball player in the world. Him became popular in Europe and Asia Nation. Because him is very popular many of advertising company want him to promote their product especialy sport company. Him get much more money to spend their lifestyle.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sintom-sintom of Stress?

1.Do much more duty or do a little assignment
2. Lower control about important manner to do
3. Deadline and stress to postpone new deadline.
4. Boring in a workplace.
5. Do not happy what him do in workplace.
6. Employer pay very low for their services.
7. Problem with office mate.
8. Don’t like about environment at workplace.
9. Cannot know to spend time to work or social life.

Why we are want a job?

Most of employee refer is work. However is meaning is same with job.
We are work to life.
We life for work.
We work to spend free time.
We work because we are boring stay in house.
We are work for social life.
We are work because to survival.
We are work to get power.
We are work for glamour.

Everyone give reason why them work. How about you why you want to work.?
Your job is something you must to be..
Your job must to read only.
Your job to talk anything
Your job to eat only.
Your job to play games.
Your job to write news.
Your job to sit only.
Your job to don’t do anything.
What ever you what to do ( work ). I recommend you do because yourself like to do.

Monday, October 16, 2006

What you want to be

Everybody has their own ambitions and what they want to be in their life…If you are analytical person, why not to be as an accounting or general business. Do not hesitate as a part of human resources staff if you like to deal with many people and very good in communication skills. However, If you do not have any ideas what do you want to be…there is some suggestion in various field of job that you can choose which one the best suitable for you….

- Accounting
- General Business
- Other
- Admin & Clerical
- General Labor
- Pharmaceutical
- Automotive
- Government
- Professional Services
- Banking
- Grocery
- Purchasing Procurement
- Biotech
- Heath Care
QA Quality Control
- Business Development
- Hospitality Hotel
- Real Estate
- Business Opportunity
- Human Resources
- Research
- Construction
- Information Technology
- Restaurant Food Services
- Consultant
- Installation Maintenance Repair
- Retail
- Customer Service
- Insurance
- Sales
- Design
- Inventory
- Science
- Distribution Shipping
- Legal
- Skill Labor Trade
- Education
- Legal Admin
- Strategy Planning
- Engineering
- Management
- Supply Chain
- Entry Level
- Manufacturing
- Telecommunications
- Executive
- Marketing
- Training
- Facilities
- Media Journalism Newspaper
- Transportation
- Finance
- Non profit Social Services
- Warehouse
- Franchise
- Nurse
- Sport Athlete

Meaning of Name

Everyone have a jobs now. Sometime we play a games for example football, driver formula one car or playing golf it meaning of job. When we talk about football we refer to David Becham, England international player. Formerly him play for Real Madrid.The most popular driver formula one player are Michael Shchumacher, Fernando Alonso, Kimi Raikkonen and so on. The most popular player golf right now is Tiger Wood. A games is playing is a job for them. This is life style for every sport atlit. They become a rich because they play something what is they like to do.