Friday, December 15, 2006

What is the S-Factor?

• Goal-setting: Success does not come merely by wishful thinking. We have to determine our goals and put them down in writing to help us spearhead our time and energy in achieving what we want out of life. In this way, we will able to wake up every morning with a sense of purpose and hence, cultivate a continual working attitude towards the realisation of that goal. The goal must be measurable to enable us to check on the progress from time to time. Such assessment is important in enabling us to set higher goals later.

• Unlock your potential: Nowadays, educational programmes for children - which explore the early development of a child - have revolutionised immensely in much sophisticated ways. It is quite obvious that children are getting smarter compared to our earlier generations. Perhaps all this while, human beings have not tapped into their full potential. In fact, only about 10 per cent of our potential is used in our daily lives. Quoting Ed Engstrom, success is tapping into the available potential that we have and making the best use of it. Imagine the greatness that we can achieve if we are able to explore and discover our full potential.

• How do you unlock your potential?
o Search inside your heart and do an inventory list of your likes and dislikes, skills, talents, wishes and even your idiosyncrasies. This information will help you narrow down your preferred job scopes. Look for a mentor in the field that you wish to work in and learn about the secrets to becoming like that person. Spending time with your mentor will challenge you to work harder and smarter in order to tap into your hidden potential.

o Be willing to learn and work hard to achieve your goals. A lot of times, we have to go extra miles to perfect a task. Success stories do not happen overnight and in order to reach your full potential, you must be ready to give up all that we are to receive what we can become.
o Face challenges at work as an opportunity for development of character, for example, perseverance. “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

o Make your plan: Now, you can chart your course and make plans to achieve your goals. Setting timelines would help you to ensure that you do not deviate from meeting your goals and cause unnecessary delays.

o Commitment to stick it out: When you are faced with a problem and you find that you are not getting anywhere or making any progress, reassess your goals or plans. Consult your mentor or your reliable contacts for wisdom or advice. Successful people are not quitters. It’s not a matter of losing face but if you are passionate about your work, it means that you will have the will power and determination to stand firm on your commitment because you want it to work badly.

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