Thursday, February 22, 2007


Although there are common patterns, there is no one best way to deal with conflict. Disputes arise for different reasons and every team is unique. Varney proposes that negotiation is the most effective response to conflict when both parties stand to gain something, each has some power,and there is interdependency.
Negotiation offers flexibility and viability other responses, such as Avoidance, Confrontation, and Diffusion lack. The process of negotiation involves listening to both sides, seeking out common areas of interest and agreement, and building on them so that individuals can understand each other's points of view.
Varney believes there are four essential skills team leaders need to learn and apply to effectively resolve disagreements using the negotiation process:
Diagnosis: Recognizing areas of understanding and areas of differences.
Initiation: Bringing the disagreements to the surface.
Listening: Hearing not only what the other person is saying, but the Emotional aspects as well.
Problem Solving: A process with numerous steps including data gathering, Considering its impact, examining alternatives, identifying solutions, and developing a plan of action.

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