Sunday, February 18, 2007

Conflict Issues

1. Administrative Procedures: If the team lacks good groundwork for whatit's doing, its members will not be able to coordinate their work.
2. People Resources: If the team does not have enough resources to do thejob, it is inevitable that some will carry too heavy a load.Resentment, often unexpressed, may build, so it is crucial that teamleaders ensure adequate resources.
3. Cost overruns: Often inevitable, cost overruns become a problem whenproper measures are not taken. The whole team should know early onwhen cost becomes a problem so additional funding can be sought by theteam. This way the problem can be resolved before it grows into aproblem for management.
4. Schedules: The schedule is highly consequential to the team's projectand should be highly visible. All members should be willing to worktogether to help each other meet their deadlines.
5. Responsibilities: Each team member must know what areas are assignedand who is accountable for them.
6. Wish Lists: Stick to the project at hand and avoid being sidetrackedinto trying to fit other things into it. Wait and do the other thingsyou would like to do after successful completion of the originalproject.

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