Friday, July 20, 2007

Blind Kick Ball ( 18+ GAMES)

The game is simple and would work with any group of 18+. The rules are the same as kickball (3 outs/inning, foul balls, force outs, etc.). The twist is that the students play with a partner and one is blindfolded. At bat, the seeing player kicks the ball, but the blind player runs the bases. The seeing player can run alongside and coach, but may not touch the runner. In the field, the seeing player can catch or stop the ball, but not throw or tag a runner.
They can, however, touch their own blind partner to guide them to throw the ball or lead them to tag the runner. Players alternate being blindfolded each inning. This game is HILARIOUS to watch! It enjoyed games and funny.
(We had an audience at the public park where we were playing.) The Point: Trust, faith, helping each other along in our faith journeys.

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