Monday, January 08, 2007

Journey To self-Discovery

I commute by LRT to my workplace five days a week. I meet people everywhere, jostling to catch the train to reach their destination for the day’s work. Imagine spending almost half your life working an average of 40 hours a week to earn a living to provide sustenance to yourself and family.
Have you ever felt your working life is stifled at some point and you are confined to the routines? At times, you sense a small voice calling you toward something unknown and risky, yet more congruent with your own truth. Have you ever embarked on a journey of self-discovery? So many of us listen to what others tell us to do when we were growing up. Be a doctor. Law is good. Or why don’t you be an engineer. Such recommendations are given with all good intentions because these vocations are respected and pay well. We may compromise and even grow to accept it and thrive to make a living out of it. But deep inside, if you do not have the passion for the work, there would seem to be a hollow feeling of unfulfilled dreams and aspirations.
A famous quote ‘Let Your Life Speak’ holds such profound meaning to me because it’s important to know that I am living my life as I am meant to be in my lifetime. Anything which falls out of this purpose just isn’t good enough.

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